Monday, March 30, 2009

I love it when this happens...

Running into past clients (especially my newlyweds) in random places always makes me feel like a Rock Star. I love feeling like that person who knows everyone. So here's my story...

This past weekend my hubby, sis, and bro-in-law decided to brave the frigid forecast and go camping out at Lake Mineral Wells. (No, we aren't tough, we left on Saturday when we could no longer feel our toes.) Friday night we headed out to "wash-up" for bed when behind me I heard a familiar voice. "Stacey??" she asked. The fleeting thought crossed my mind... who could I possibly know out here? It was Jessica Castles (of Jessica and Trae - look in old blog posts for their wedding and engagement pictures).

How cool to run into an old client... wearing my pj's... and a beanie cap... and my husbands jacket... OK, so neither of us looked particularly cool but it was so great to catch up! Jessica and Trae are doing awesome, and fortunately there are no blackmail worthy pics to commemorate the event. Aw shucks!

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