Friday, May 30, 2008

Engagement sessions

I like to include Engagements sessions in all of my wedding coverages at no additional charge. I feel they are very important and I love the time it allows me and the couple to get to know each other. No matter how many I do, it seems like every session has a shot I didn't expect. Sure, I give guidance on a session and tell people where to stand, when to snuggle, etc. But there are often these moments that just come together perfectly and naturally with little help from me. I'm just the capturer (is that word?) of this moment. Dare I say, a "simple moment"?

It's been babies galore...

Seems like we've be photographing more babies recently and I love it! This is another Lily, daughter of some good friends of ours. I love photographing friends! This was her newborn session, she was about 3 weeks old...

Ava, super cute!

We love it when our clients refer us to their friends! Jennifer, one of our brides, passed our name along to a co-worker for baby pictures. We photographed sweet Ava in the park. Her Mom brought some super cute daisies as props. I just loved this series or "floral interaction". Check out those knock-out eyes! Like I said, super cute...

Lily is walking!

Lily was one of our first "Wee Babies" and we just had one more session with her and Mom. She turned 1 back in December, and now she is walking (or running) all over the place. Lindsey must be exhauted keeping up with her all day!

Here are some of my favs from our recent session. It just goes to show that you don't need to travel any further than your own yard for us to get awesome pictures of your kiddos!
These two look like a nod to Norman Rockwell. She was the perfect model!